5 top tips for web design

Table of Contents

  1. Who are you talking to?
  2. Write compelling copy
  3. Don’t focus on design over content
  4. Avoid freebies from friends and relatives
  5. Your website is a reflection of your business

We build your bespoke website design project

Get this right and it can put you head and shoulders above your competition. But get it wrong and it could literally break your business.

So let’s take a look at Reach Digital’s Top Five Tips to make your website work for you.

1. Who Are You Talking To?

It’s all too easy to make the mistake of trying to target everyone, and in your efforts actually reaching no one. With thousands of new business websites being launched every day you need to be clear on who you are targeting. Think about your business. Who are your clients? Who are your prospects?

If you are targeting small independent businesses and retailers then coming across as too corporate might put them off. Likewise, if it’s the big hitters you are after, then you need to speak to them in their own language.

2. Write Compelling Copy

The images you put on it are important, but it you don’t back them up with copy that engages your visitors then you reduce the chances of your website converting them into customers. Stick to the following and you can’t go wrong:

  • Ensure your copy is relatable to your ideal customer.
  • Write in a language everyone can understand and avoid jargon unless you are targeting a specific niche market.
  • Avoid walls of words. Very few people what to read your business’s equivalent of War and Peace. Instead use short sentences and bullet points which are easier for people to skim to find what they are looking for.
  • ‘You’ and ‘your’ are persuasive language. Use them.
  • Ask questions then demonstrate how you can solve their problems.

3. Don’t Focus on Design Over Content

If you want to convert your visitors then your website must be the most interesting thing in the universe for that person at that time. Too often far too much effort goes into creating a stunning design in which the actual message unfortunately gets lost. People have busy lives and often short attention spans. So you need to grab their attention right away and show them this is a website they want to spend some time on to find out more about your business.

4. Avoid Freebies From Friends or Relatives

Yes it can work out, but there are too many examples of websites out there that aren’t performing, and that the business owners aren’t happy with. Saving a bit of money by accepting an offer from an enthusiastic friend or relative may actually cost you in the long run as opportunities pass you by. If do decide to go down this road then at least check out other websites they have built and ask yourself if you would have been happy if they had produced these websites for you. What about ongoing updates and maintenance?

It’s no good your niece building you a website during the summer break then being back at university months later and unreachable during business hours when you need someone on hand to deal with a crisis or important update.

5. Never Forget That Your Website is a Reflection of Your Business

When thinking about the previous points always keep at the forefront of your mind that your website is a reflection of your business. You only get one chance at making a good first impression, so ensure that visitors want to stick around and find out more. Your website:

  • Represents your brand and your values.
  • Creates an impression in visitors’ minds of your business’s culture and who you are.
  • Tells visitors your positioning in your target market.

And most of all it allows them to make an informed decision about whether you are an organisation that they would like to do business with.

If you would to discuss how we can create a website that will perform for your business please contact us by calling 01206 580202, by email or complete the form.